
Viser treff 361–380 av 408 for «hurums»

NGF2005_Nakrem_&_Hurum.pdf – Natural History Museum

eller fredning ? Nakrem, H. A. & Hurum, J. H. Naturhistorisk museum, Seksjon for geologi, Univer- sitetet i Oslo. h.a.nakrem@nhm.uio.no og j.h.hurum...

NGF2005_Nakrem_Dallmann_Erikstad_Markussen.pdf – Natural History Museum

naturarven. Den marine juraparken på Svalbard - forskning, næring eller fredning ? Nakrem, H. A. & Hurum, J. H. Naturhistorisk museum, Seksjon for geologi...

GEO_01_2007_Monster-ogle.pdf – Natural History Museum

bein. Dinosaurer er én type øgle, svaneøgler og fiskeøgler er to andre typer. Pliosaurus er en svaneøgle. Øgler Tekst : Hans Arne Nakrem og Jørn Hurum...

njg_2_3_2012_7_nakrem_kiessling_pr.pdf – Natural History Museum

specimens of ichthyo saurs, plesiosaurs and pliosaurs in these rocks (Hurum et al. 2010) led to extensive fieldwork in the Knorring fjellet to Janusfjellet...

oda2014.pdf – Natural History Museum

and development of the northern Barents Sea. For several Hurum, J.H., Roberts, A.J., Nakrem, H.A., Stenløkk, J.A. & Mørk, A.: The first recovered...

njg_2_3_2012_4_hammer_etal_pr.pdf – Natural History Museum

reptiles (Hurum et al., this volume). Our current work on the paleontology and hydrocarbon migration history of the Slottsmøya Member (Hurum et al., this...

njg_2_3_2012_8_hjalmarsdottir_etal_pr.pdf – Natural History Museum

-preserved specimens of ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs and pliosaurs has been docu- mented in these deposits (Hurum et al. 2010). Based on sedimentological and...

njg_2_3_2012_9_holmer_nakrem_pr.pdf – Natural History Museum

., Sandy, M.R., Druckenmiller, P., Knutsen, E.M., Hurum, J.H. & Høyberget, M. 2011: Hydrocarbon seeps from close to the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary...

Vinn-et-al-2014.pdf – Natural History Museum

were discovered during prospecting for and excavation of fossil marine reptiles (Hurum et al. 2012) in Konusdalen and on the northern slopes of Janus...

Venus.pdf – Natural History Museum

Hurum and Dr Johan Naterstad (University of Oslo) for fruitful discussions on fossils in folklore. Professor Einar Østmo, University of Oslo, gave...

njg_2_3_2012_17_druckenmiller_etal_nakrem-pr.pdf – Natural History Museum

(palaeontological collection), Norway SVB Svalbard Museum, Longyearbyen, Norway UW University of Wyoming, Laramie, USA. Druckenmiller, P.S., Hurum, J.H., Knutsen, E.M...

njg_2_3_2012_6_rousseau_nakrem_pr.pdf – Natural History Museum

118432_NJG_2_3_Vol92.indd 133 Introduction Echinoderm ossicles have a high preservation potential as fossils. Their skeletons, however, disarticulate

njg_2_3_2012_5_hryniewicz_etal_pr.pdf – Natural History Museum

118432_NJG_2_3_Vol92.indd 113 Introduction Ecosystems around submarine cold fluid emissions were first discovered in the deep marine environment at th

Brachs-Zootaxa.pdf – Natural History Museum

Brachiopods from Late Jurassic—Early Cretaceous hydrocarbon seep deposits, central Spitsbergen, Svalbard ZOOTAXA ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition) ISSN 1

Bivalves-ZooTaxa-2014.pdf – Natural History Museum

Bivalves from the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous hydrocarbon seep carbonates from central Spitsbergen, Svalbard ZOOTAXA ISSN 1175-5326 (print edi

Bivalves-ZooTaxa-2014.pdf – Naturhistorisk museum

Bivalves from the latest Jurassic-earliest Cretaceous hydrocarbon seep carbonates from central Spitsbergen, Svalbard ZOOTAXA ISSN 1175-5326 (print edi

2010: 282 - Laksungers bruk av bunnsubstrat: Eksperimentelle studier – Naturhistorisk museum

Svelviksand avd. Hurum. 1.3 Fisk Det ble gjennomført forsøk både i juni, september og november 2010, for å få to forskjellige størrelsesgrupper av laksunger...

svar-til-vedr-din-henv-om-fossilet-Ida.pdf – Naturhistorisk museum

Granskningsutvalget har vært helt uproblematisk. -------- Jeg har saumfart hver eneste tilgjengelig dokumentopplysning fra Bad Homburg til Hurums tokter på Svalbard i...

IDA_press_release_.doc – Natural History Museum

Jørn H. Hurum of the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway. Link to scientific paper: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2010.07.013...

klage-til-granskningsutvalget.pdf – Naturhistorisk museum

massilla representerer det mest komplette fossil som noen gang er funnet. Men ingen i Jørn Hurums team har villet fortelle hvor Ida har vært i de 29 år som...