Published Aug. 10, 2018 3:06 PM

Due to strong winds the Botanical Garden and the rest of the museum had to bee temporarily closed Friday August 10. The museum is now open again with normal hours. 

Published Apr. 9, 2018 12:01 PM

Scientists recently discovered there is not one but four distinct species of giraffe, based on their genetic differences. These findings overturned century old accepted knowledge about a well known species, and may spur renewed efforts to save their threatened populations. Such "camouflaged" biodiversity – or cryptic species – may account for a substantial part of the world's biodiversity. However, searching for processes involved in "hidden" diversity is a daunting task, especially when no consensus even exist for what a cryptic species really is among researchers. A multidiciplinary team of scientists from the Natural History Museum in Oslo has taken on the challenge and proposes a new framework that provides researchers with common grounds in their hunt for biological processes underlying cryptic biodiversity.