Persons tagged with «Evolution»

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Picture of Øystein Wiig Wiig, Øystein Professor Emeritus +47 41465054 Zoology, Evolution, Management, Walrus, White whale, Narwhal, Arctic marine mammals, Polar bear, Mammalogy, Systematics, Ecology, Effects of climate change, Bowhead whales, Jaguars, Tapir, Amazon
Picture of Arild Johnsen Johnsen, Arild Professor +47 22851860 Evolution, Zoology, Systematics, Speciation, Behavioural ecology, Sexual selection, Sperm competition
Picture of Gunnhild Martine Marthinsen Marthinsen, Gunnhild Martine Head Engineer +47 22851874 +47 99535482 DNA barcoding, Genetic resources, Biodiversity, Biological diversity, Systematics, Evolution, Zoology, Botany, NorBOL
Picture of Lars Erik Johannessen Johannessen, Lars Erik Head Engineer +47 22851801 Genetic resources, DNA Bank, DNA barcoding, Evolution, Ornithology, Zoology, Sexual selection, Behavioural ecology, Sperm competition, Collection history, Science history
Picture of Alberto Valero Gracia Valero Gracia, Alberto Doctoral Research Fellow Evolution, Zoology, Phylogenomics, Developmental Biology, Bioinformatics, Genome Evolution.
Picture of Emma Whittington Whittington, Emma Postdoctoral Researcher Sperm Biology, Speciation, Evolution, Proteomics
Picture of Jan Terje Lifjeld Lifjeld, Jan Terje Professor +47 22851726 Biology, DNA barcoding, Evolution, Birds, Sex and sexual conflict, Sperm cells, Systematics
Picture of Jarl Andreas Anmarkrud Anmarkrud, Jarl Andreas Senior Engineer +47 22851866 +47 93299849 Molecular biology, Genetics, Metagenomics, Evolution
Picture of Thore Koppetsch Koppetsch, Thore Doctoral Research Fellow +47 22851671 Phylogenomics, Speciation, Hybridization, Vertebrates, Evolution, Zoology, Herpetology
Picture of Torsten Hugo Struck Struck, Torsten Hugo Professor +47 22851740 Bioinformatics, Evolution, Genome evolution, Molecular evolution, Phylogeny, Phylogenomics, Phylogeography, Population genetics, Systematics, Zoology
Picture of Marvin Choquet Choquet, Marvin Postdoctoral Fellow +47 94890853 Marine zooplankton, Population genetics, Adaptation, Genomics, Evolution, Transcriptomics, Calanus spp.
Picture of Petter Bøckman Bøckman, Petter Lecturer +47 22851642 + 47 98 46 62 06 Museum lecturer, Zoology, Ecology, Evolution, Museum pedagogy, Research communication, Exhibitions
Picture of Mika Bendiksby Bendiksby, Mika Professor +47 22851615 +47 40291192 Botany, Mycology, Taxonomy, Phylogenetics, Evolution, DNA barcoding, Biodiversity