James Gabriel Saulsbury

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Academic interests

Marine ecology and biogeography, invertebrate zoology, and analytical paleobiology. 

Personal website here. I'm also on twitter @jgsaulsbury, and on ResearchGate.


Ph.D., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2021
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Museum of Paleontology
Title: Comatulid crinoids in a changing ocean: predation, respiration, and shifting centers of diversity

B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 2015
Department of Integrative Biology

Selected publications

Peer-reviewed journal articles

  1. Saulsbury, J.G.; Baumiller, T.K. 2022. Dispersals from the West Tethys as the source of the Indo-West Pacific diversity hotspot in comatulid crinoids. Paleobiology: 1-14.
  2. Saulsbury, J.G.; Baumiller, T.K. 2020. Predation as an explanation for a latitudinal gradient in arm number among stalkless crinoids. Journal of Biogeography 47: 2657-2670.
  3. Saulsbury, J.G.; Moss, D.K.; Ivany, LC..; Kowalewski, M.;Lindberg, D.R.; Gillooly, J.F.; Heim, N. A.; McClain, C.R.; Payne, J.L.; Roopnarine, P.D.; Schoene, B.; Goodwin, D.; Finnegan, S. 2020. Idiographic and nomothetic approaches to heterogeneity are complementary: Response to comments on “Evaluating the influences of temperature, primary production, and evolutionary history on bivalve growth rates.” Paleobiology 46 (2): 275-277.
  4. Saulsbury, J.G. 2019. Crinoid respiration and the distribution of energetic strategies among marine invertebrates. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 129(1): 244-258.
  5. Saulsbury, J.G.; Zamora, S. 2019. The nervous and circulatory systems of a Cretaceous crinoid: preservation, paleobiology, and evolutionary significance. Palaeontology 63 (2): 243-253.
  6. Saulsbury, J.G.; Moss, D.K.; Ivany, L.C.; Kowalewski, M.;Lindberg, D.R.; Gillooly, J.F.; Heim, N. A.; McClain, C.R.; Payne, J.L.; Roopnarine, P.D.; Schoene, B.; Goodwin, D.; Finnegan, S. 2019. Evaluating the influences of temperature, primary production, and evolutionary history on bivalve growth rates. Paleobiology 45 (3): 405-420.
  7. Zamora, S.; Aurell, M.; Veitch, M.; Saulsbury, J.G.; López-Horgue, M.A.; Ferratges, F.A.; Arz, J.A.; Baumiller, T.K. 2018. Environmental distribution of post-Palaeozoic crinoids from the Iberian and south-Pyrenean basins, NE Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 63 (4): 779-794.

Articles archived / in review

  1. Parins-Fukuchi, C.T.; Saulsbury, J.G. Ape functional morphological innovation corresponds to shifting lines of genetic least resistance. bioRxiv; in review.
  2. Saulsbury, J.G. Permutation tests for comparative data. bioRxiv; in review.
Published Nov. 8, 2021 11:38 AM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2023 1:25 PM