Anna Aleksandra Szreter

Academic interests

My research focuses on fluid activity in alkaline igneous complex in Ivittuut, SW Greenland. Those 1.3 billion years old rocks host world's largest deposit of cryolite (Na3AlF6), mineral of ice-like appearance and ambiguous origin. To trace the source of the fluid that precipitated cryolite, its evolution and interaction with host granite, I use a combination of stable isotopes and spectroscopic methods. This should provide insight into processes from deposit to atomic scale, and result in better understanding of this unique mineral and its occurrence in the Gardar province.

Geoeducation and outreach are inseparably connected with research for me, and various forms of passing academic knowledge to non-specialists are of my interests.


  • 2022- now: PhD, University of St Andrews, Scotland & University of Oslo, Norway
  • 2020-2022: laboratory assistant, ClayLab, Institute of Geological Sciences PAS, Poland
  • 2019-2020: MSc, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
  • 2015-2019: BEng, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland


  • 2023 - Poster Presentation Student Award in Europe's Metals session , SEG 2023, London
  • 2020 - Honourable Smallsword SITPNiG for the best absolvent of the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection in 2020
  • 2020 - The Mineralogical Society of Poland Award for the best M.Sc. thesis in the Mineralogical Sciences in 2020


My project is a Global Doctoral PhD, on a co-tutelle scheme joined between University of St Andrews (Adrian Finch) and University of Oslo (Henrik Friis). Fieldwork for the project was supported by Eclipse Metals Ltd.


Society of Economic Geologists (SEG)
Mineralogical Society of Poland (PTMin)


  • Szreter A., Skoczylas-Śniaz S., Wierzba K., Czoch P., Bolek S. & Kowal-Kasprzyk, J. (2023). Educational trails of the Racławka Valley Nature Reserve and their potential for geoeducation Geotourism Geoturystyka 1 2 (64 65).
  • Bolek S., Szreter A., Rożek A. & Gałka E. (2023). The Geotourism Students’ Scientific Club and 18 years of its activity at AGH University of Science and Technology Geotourism Geoturystyka 1 2 (64 65).
  • Marciniak, D., Szreter, A ., Baran, S., Błażejewicz , I., Cieślik, B., Górska, A., ... & Awdankiewicz , M. (2019). Iceland in the eyes of young geologists – report from the scientific trip of SKNG UWr. (2018).Przegląd Geologiczny , 67(11), 899 905+.
Published Nov. 10, 2023 9:20 AM - Last modified Mar. 6, 2024 11:36 AM