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Digital collection portal

Search the collections online

A sawfish collected in Congo in 1891. Photo: Ulla Schildt

Here you can browse the parts or our collections that have been digitalized. For some sub-collections images are also available, especially for vascular plants, birds and mosses.  

New collection portal

In our recently developed collection portal, you can search among the digitalized objects within the following organism groups:

Mosses, fungi, vascular plants, Charophyceae, birds, insects, fish and mammales

Search the collections

For the paleontological part of our Radiolaria collection, please visit the following portal:

The scientific collections forms the foundation of the research conducted at the museum and are utilized by researchers both in Norway and abroad.  

Published Nov. 25, 2016 8:13 AM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2021 7:40 AM