Grant policy and loan request procedures of Fungarium O (NHM)

We encourage use of our fungarium specimens by the international, non-profit research community. All are welcome to make a research visit to our collections. We also provide loans. Sampling for DNA-extraction is generally permitted when the material is sufficiently rich. We appreciate that loan recipients cite our collections. Below the rationale of our grant policy and procedures for obtaining loans.

NHM is obliged to comply with international rules on the management of genetic resources through the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol.

Please identify the objects of interest by searching our online database or the ArtsKart data portal and send the list of requested objects by e-mail to the fungarium curator or by letter to: Fungarium O, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1172 Blindern, NO-0318 Oslo. Please note that loans are not normally granted to private persons directly. All loan requests must go via public collections (i.e., between fungaria). 

Sampling for DNA-extraction is generally permitted. Only if the material is scanty, to the extent that the removed part would exceed 1/10 of the specimen, removal will not be permitted. Regardless of specimen quality, only the minimum amount of material needed should be removed. All DNA sequences obtained from the loaned material should be deposited by the loan-recipient in a publicly available repository (e.g. GenBank), and (important!) the fungarium number (e.g. O-F45036) should follow the data as voucher ID. We appreciate that excess DNA is returned to NHM for deposition in our DNA bank, unless the loan-recipient can provide similar services.

Prior to returning the loan, please provide an annotation label to each studied specimen. The label should report the activity undertaken (e.g. TLC or DNA analysis), identification of the specimen (also if 'negative': e.g. non Russula turci), the name of the investigator, the investigator's affiliation, and the date. The annotations should be made on blank slips of acid-free paper, not on the existing specimen label(s). Please attach each annotation slip with a paper clip or place it inside the specimen container (do not glue it!). In any downstream publication that makes use of data originating from the material owned by Fungarium O, please site the voucher specimens using the fungarium accession number (e.g. O-F45036). We also appreciate that you include our reference: Fungarium O, University of Oslo (YEAR). Version 1.1880. Occurrence dataset accessed via on <YEAR-MONTH-DAY>

The loan period is normally 12 months. An extension may be granted upon request.

Published Apr. 27, 2010 4:19 PM - Last modified June 29, 2022 2:31 PM