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Scientific access to the Mammal collection

The Mammal collection at the Natural History Museum (NHMO) is a scientific collection. We encourage its use by the international, non-profit, research community, given the conditions outlined below.

NHMO Mammal collection grant policy

  1. Scientific staff can request loan of objects from the collection (loan) or permission to visit the collection to work with objects at the museum (visit); the latter is preferable
    Students and researchers lacking a permanent institutional affiliation (e.g. PhD student, post docs. etc.) have to request the loan/visit through a permanent staff member of an appropriate institution.
  2. Preference is given to quality research
    A project description must be included with the request. The quality of the project will be judged individually for each request. The grantee must be a qualified researcher who is likely to publish the results of his/her research.
  3. Restrictions on specimen availability may apply
    For some specimens a clarification of status with respect to e.g. conflicts of interest, intended use or juridical limitations may be required. This process may result in the specimens no longer being available for loan.

  4. Requests for loan of samples sorting under the NHMO DNA Bank will be administered through the DNA Bank, and in accordance with the grant policy of the DNA Bank
    This is because use of genetic resources is subject to other and often stricter regulations than non-genetic use. For details, see the DNA Bank grant policy.

  5. The NHMO Mammal collection is committed to the letter and spirit of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), including the Nagoya Protocol, and operates in compliance with the CETAF and GGBN codes of conduct
    Loaners and visitors to the museum are expected to act in agreement with this, as verified by signing the Loan agreement or Visitor registration form.

  6. The Mammal collection wants to track the usage of its specimens
    Loaners and visitors are therefore obliged to inform the Mammal collection of any publications and other uses including specimens or data from the Mammal collection.

Requesting specimens from the NHMO Mammal collection

For requests for genetic resources (tissue or DNA extracts), please see the DNA Bank grant policy and loan request procedures. For requests for other types of specimens, follow this procedure:

  1. Prepare a brief project description (about 1 page), including;
    1. An outline of the goals, methods, and time-frame of the project
    2. Previous experience with the planned analytical methods
    3. A list of requested specimens, and a justification for the use of these in the project
    4. Specification of whether the request is for a loan of the specimens (i.e. to be sent to the loaner), or a visit to work with the specimens at the NHMO
    5. Names and affiliations of investigators involved
  2. Students or researchers lacking institutional affiliation should also submit a letter co-signed by their advisor or some other permanent staff, who will assume responsibility for use of the specimens.
  3. If the request is for loan of specimens for which specific permits will be required  (e.g. CITES or import permits), copies of such permits must be included.

Send the request to the Mammal collection (see contact info on the Mammal collection web page).

Published Nov. 19, 2021 10:23 AM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2022 2:49 PM