The book and the movie

Forsiden til "The Link"

The Link
by Colin Tudge og Josh Young

Colin Tudge is a trained biologist and has published several books on biology, science philosophy, food and agriculture. Previous books by Tudge: The Tree, Feeding People is Easy, Consider the Birds and The Time Before History.

The book is available from and in bookstores worldwide.

more about Colin Tudge
More about Josh Young

The Link on History Channel


The movie is made by Atlantic Productions, who also cooperated with Jørn Hurum on Predator X, the movie about the giant Pliosaurus on the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard. The Link follows Ida from the fossil was purchased until the scientific results were presented.

The movie has been aired on TV channels all over the world.

The movie comes in two editions, one American and one British. Sir David Attenborough participates in the British edition.

The DVD may be ordered from (English).

Published June 23, 2010 1:02 PM - Last modified Apr. 1, 2022 2:35 PM