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School visits to the Climate House

Image may contain: Smile, Gesture, Interaction, Cap, Happy.

The Climate House offers a range of school programmes about climate, environment and sustainability for pupils aged 13-18 years. We have several offers for English speaking schools.


We have school programmes in both English and Norwegian, and you can also book a guided tour. The school programmes are led by our skilled teachers specialized on teaching within climate, environment and sustainability. Read more about the different options we offer below.

Our school programmes in Norwegian vary in length and scale, from a guided tour in the interactive exhibition, to larger school programmes which involve preparation in class, a tour in the exhibition and activities afterwards. Teachers can choose between different approaches, from an action based approach where the pupils are encouraged to live in a more sustainable way as part of the programme, to a more creative approach which ends in an exhibition. School classes that complete one of the larger programmes achieve our “Black Belt in Climate”.

Climate Dialogue

Climate Dialogue is one of the school programmes we offer in English. This is a 90 minutes programme which combines new knowledge about climate change and sustainable development with dialogue as a method. In public debates and social media, climate change is becoming an increasingly polarized topic. In contrast to a debate, the main aim in dialog is to listen to each other and broaden the perspectives on a topic. In this school programme the pupils sit in a circle and are encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions, even though they disagree with each other. The dialogue is facilitated by our teachers who are trained in dialogue as a method.

Before the pupils sit down in groups for a dialogue, they are given a guided, interactive tour in the Climate House’s exhibitions with our skilled teachers. Send us an email if you want to bring your school class to the Climate Dialogue.


Climate Visit

Climate Visit is a school programme that is offered to the public schools in Oslo due to a partnership with the Agency for Education in the city of Oslo. Climate change and global warming is no longer a future scenario, it is happening all around us now. In the Climate House, the class is met by two of our experienced and skilled teachers. The class participates in a 90 minutes interactive and varied teaching session that takes place both in the exhibitions and in the amphitheater. The pupils gain insight into natural and man-made climate change, the consequences of global warming, and different solutions to the challenges.

If your school is part of the public schools in Oslo, you can book a Climate Visit in our booking system (write a note in the booking about preferred language).


Guided tour

English speaking school classes that is not part of the public schools in Oslo, can book a guided tour.

Visit on your own

You can also bring your school class to the Climate House on your own. All school classes have free entrance. Book your visit on your own here

With this guide for teachers and for pupils we hope that you will have a good learning experience. You can borrow copies in the reception at the Climate House upon arrival.


Published May 23, 2023 11:03 AM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 12:04 PM