The Climate Garden

Boy streching towards a handle on a tree

Foto: Jarli&Jordan/NHM

The Climate Garden is The Botanical Gardens adventure garden for our youngest visitors.

One of the Botanical Gardens newest gardens, the Climate Garden, opened summer 2021.

The garden is made for children to explore natures amazing ways of handling weather. Trough activities and artistic installations children can learn about weather and climate phenomenons.

Touch the white stone and then the dark stone. Do they feel the same? Lie down in the hammock and watch the skies and the tree tops.

Is it raining? Observe one of nature’s ways of handling excessive amounts of water. From the Climate Houses roof water floods down and follows the stream into the riparian forest. Riparian forests' great ability to suck up and store water prevents floods.

Placed by the entrance of the Climate Garden is a 1,7 tons sandstone from the arctic, Svalbard. It has fossil leaves imprinted in it which the gardens visitors are invited to explore.

You will find the Climate Garden just outside the Climate House.

Published Jan. 14, 2022 11:14 AM - Last modified Jan. 13, 2024 9:27 PM