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Science events - Page 3

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus (Biobygget) Blindern, Oslo

Hei, alle påmeldte til årets todagers NiN-kurs!

Da har Artsdatabanken laget sider for lenkene til presentasjonene/foredragene:

Takk til Artsdatabanken for rask levering!


Det blir altså ikke noe live streaming/webinar.  Dere får til gjengjeld en svært fleksibel løsning, og kan drive selvstudium når det passer.

Vi kan ikke love at alt av foredrag er på plass "på dagen", men de legges ut så fort vi får til under de rådende arbeidsforhold.

Dere vil få en blanding av live-opptak fra 2019 og skrivebordsopptak fra 2020. Siden noen av presentasjonene er tilnærmet identiske med fjorårets, så vil formodentlig 2019-opptakene være bedre, siden disse er live auditoriumsopptak.

Vi jobber nå med et nettskjema med NiN-spørsmål som vi prøver lage slik at dere lærer mer om NiN og kartlegging av å fylle det ut, og at det ikke bare er en øvelse dere gjør for å få tilsendt en PDF med bekreftelse på deltagelse på vårt digitale NiN-kurs 2020.

Årets kursbekreftelse blir da likeverdig med tidligere års.

Vi sender dere mail med lenke til nettskjemaet når dette er klart.

NHM 13. mars + oppdatert 16. mars med lenker for 2020

Hilsen NiN-teamet







Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Natur i Endring 2.0: We would like to showcase our new version of the app for citizen science data collection. We implemented some new features and we would like to get some feedback and motivate you to test out the app in the field. Any constructive criticism and new ideas are welcome.

Best regards


Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

As a measure to prevent spread of Coronavirus the seminar has been cancelled. 

«Regjeringen foreslår at driftshvilen i Svea/Lunckefjell avsluttes, og at det settes i gang opprydding etter gruvevirksomheten. Det vises til omtale under programkategori 17.40 Statlig eierskap og kap. 900, post 31 Miljøtiltak Svea og Lunckefjell» (Prop. 1 S (2017–2018)).

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Dimension-reduction techniques are a useful class of methods in the toolbox of any ecologist. Dimension-reduction techniques, better known as ordination, have been applied in ecology for more than 50 years. In recent years, a more statistically correct method, called Generalized Linear Latent Variable Models (GLLVMs) has become available. GLLVMs are a model-based approach to ordination, but are also known as Joint Species Distribution Models (JSDMs).


In this seminar, Bert van der Veen, who is a PhD candidate in statistics at NIBIO and NTNU, will give an overview of GLLVMs and outline some of their connections to more classical ordination methods.

Time and place: , Møterom I, Tøyen Hovedgård

Populasjonsundersøkelser av dragehode (Dracocephalum ruyschiana) - med fokus på isolasjon, areal, naturtyper og gjengroing på utvalgte lokaliteter i Sørøst-Norge

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Fire has been a key factor in shaping the ecology of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for thousands of years. Native plant species evolved adaptations so they survive and, in some cases, flourish after periodic fires. But as the climate becomes hotter and drier, the fire patterns in the boreal forests in North-West America are changing. Big and severe fires are now burning with higher frequency, and this could pose a threat to the resilience of these complex ecosystems. What does that mean for the forests of the future?

In this seminar, Trond Simensen, who has recently been a visiting scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will present research from Yellowstone and other boreal forests in the northern Rocky Mountains.

Time and place: , Auditorium, Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Land surface model parametrization using machine learning - Ph.D. project outline

By Lasse Keetz

Time and place: , Aud 1, Lids hus, NHM/ Tøyen

Comparing unequal probability sampling with random stratified sampling with respect to finding rare species and making distribution models

Time and place: , Auditorium, Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

NiN update by Rune Halvorsen

The presentation will be in Norwegian

Time and place: , Lids hus, auditorium 1. et.

Man står fritt til å delta på del 1, 2 og/eller 3 avhengig av hvor godt man allerede kjenner GIS og QGIS. Åpent for alle, men begrenset plass. Påmeldingsfrist mandag 13. januar kl. 15.

Time and place: , Robert Colletts hus, NHM. Lunsjrommet

Molecular phylogeny of bryozoans utilizing museum samples

Time and place: , Auditorium, Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Big data analysis using Google Earth Engine (GEE), by Vegar Bakkestuen

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Eva Lieungh Eriksen will give a presentation titled Planet of the Plants, aimed at teachers on "Faglig-pedagogisk" day: Why is the planet chemically imbalanced, what are the trees really up to, and how are these questions related? In the global cycles of matter and energy a single plant seems very small, but plants shape our planet in more ways than most people realise through physics, chemistry and biology. This talk will present the place of plants in the Earth Systems, with familiar Norwegian examples.


Time and place: , Tøyen hovedgård

Øyvind Sunde at the Natural History Museum will be defending the thesis "Mineralogy and geochemistry of pegmatites in the Larvik Plutonic Complex, Norway" for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Meeting room in the new lunch area, Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo
Time and place: , Møterom K29 Lids hus, Tøyen

”Molecular phylogeny and morphological variation of the genus Thymus (Lamiaceae) and its allies”

Time and place: , Aud. 1 Lids hus, Tøyen

”Characterisation and typification of urban ecosystem types – A test of the NiN system”

Time and place: , Auditorium, Botanical Museum / Lids hus, Tøyen, Oslo

By Lea-Rebekka Tonjer

Time and place: , Lids auditorium

Sonja Daniela Kistenich  ved Naturhistorisk museum vil forsvare sin avhandling Molecular systematics, taxonomy, and museomics of tropical Ramalinaceae. for ph.d.-graden.

Time and place: , Aud. 1 Lids hus, Tøyen

”The endangered Dracocephalum ruyschiana: a study of factors affecting reproduction and recruitment in Norwegian populations”

Time and place: , Lids hus, auditorium 1

Peter and Eva have been to NCAR in Boulder, Colorado to learn about the Community Terrestrial Systems Model (CTSM) and its new vegetation module, the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES). Eva will introduce the models, and Peter will talk about his experience using FATES.

Time and place: , Auditorium, Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Linking plant stress responses and microbial communities. Development of novel experimental methods. By Åshild Fandango Kapperud

Time and place: , Vilhelm Bjerknes’ hus, auditorium 1

Meld deg på HER innen 4.mars 2019

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

I dette seminaret blir det gjennomgang av Øyvind Lynnes oppgave om utbredelsesmodellering, spesifikt for kalkkrevende planter i Oslo-området.

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Welcome to the seminar  "Tracking crowberry: Spatio-temporal colonisation patterns of Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum at an alpine spoil heap", by PhD fellow  Jan Sulavik  from the Department of Environmental Sciences at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) / Sogndal.