Activities - Page 10

Time and place: , Lids hus (Botanical museum)

Peter Horvath, stipendiat i økologi og klima ved NHM/Institutt for Geofag, presenterer GEco’s tekniske løsning for kartlegging av naturtyper i felt. 

Time and place: , Lids hus (Botanical museum)

Sabrina Mazzioni will give us a pre-view of the defense of her PhD-thesis titled "Distribution modelling by MaxEnt: from black box to flexible toolbox".  


Todagers kurs i Natur i Norge (NiN) og kartlegging. Åpent for alle.

Time and place: , Møterom HAGEN 3 (Bygg B, Plan 0, Forskningsparken, Blindern, Oslo)

Foredrag ved Ingrid Bay-Larsen fra Nordlandsforskning.  

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Hui Tang will introduce us to DGVMs through his talk "Dynamic global vegetation model in Community Land Model (CLM) and the potential application to northern Europe".