Activities - Page 3

Time and place: , Auditorium, Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

NiN update by Rune Halvorsen

The presentation will be in Norwegian

Time and place: , Lids hus, auditorium 1. et.

Man står fritt til å delta på del 1, 2 og/eller 3 avhengig av hvor godt man allerede kjenner GIS og QGIS. Åpent for alle, men begrenset plass. Påmeldingsfrist mandag 13. januar kl. 15.

Time and place: , Auditorium, Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Big data analysis using Google Earth Engine (GEE), by Vegar Bakkestuen

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Eva Lieungh Eriksen will give a presentation titled Planet of the Plants, aimed at teachers on "Faglig-pedagogisk" day: Why is the planet chemically imbalanced, what are the trees really up to, and how are these questions related? In the global cycles of matter and energy a single plant seems very small, but plants shape our planet in more ways than most people realise through physics, chemistry and biology. This talk will present the place of plants in the Earth Systems, with familiar Norwegian examples.


Time and place: , Meeting room in the new lunch area, Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo