Activities - Page 6

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

In this seminar Rune Halvorsen will present and discuss principles for systematisation of ecological diversity, based on the ongoing translation and international publication of 'Nature in Norway' (NiN).


Økt turglede gir også økt slitasje på naturen: DNT Ung sammen med blant annet Inger K. Volden og Anders Bryn snakker om "friluftsparadokset" på torsdag. Les mer her!

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

Oddvar Pedersen har fulgt strandtorn, en av våre sjeldneste plantearter, i mange år. I dette seminaret vil han presentere nye, detaljerte og spennende data.

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

In this seminar, PhD fellow Peter Horvath (GEco and LATICE) invites us to a discussion of the ideas in his thesis paper 'For better or worse? Comparison of three spatial modelling methods for describing the vegetation mantle'.

Time and place: , Botanical Museum, Tøyen, Oslo

In this seminar, Master student and app developer Michal Torma will recap developments and results from the project Natur i endring, introduce his Masters project, and invite us to consider possibilities for a NiN app.