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QGIS course - part I

Introduction to QGIS. The first in a series of QGIS courses. Open to everyone, but limited space. Register by e-mail to by Wed 25 Oct.


Get to know the GIS concept, the utility of GIS and learn basic use of QGIS. There are several GIS programs available, e.g. ESRI ArcGIS desktop and QGIS. The latter is open source (and freely available) and will be used for this course.



Brief presentation, followed by demo and exercises ("do and learn", but "listen and learn" may also work), so a clear advantage if you can bring your own computer (or sit two and two). Instructions on QGIS version and download will be provided in advance of the course.

The course will cover use of different data, acess to data, file formats, coordinate systems, treatment of special symbols (e.g. æ, ø, å), data with and without geometry and some typical GIS operations (e.g. sampling, spatial query, grids, joining of tables).


Course plan

This is the first in a series of planned QGIS courses, where more GIS tasks will be covered (suggestions are welcome).

Tentative plan:

1.           QGIS I  - introduction: get to know QGIS, different datasets, coordinate systems, etc.

2.           QGIS II  - map illustrations, cartography (symbols, colours, lables, styles)

3.           QGIS III - filtering, joining (table join, spatial join), clip, merge, split, intersection, etc.

4.           QGIS IV  - .... needs-based content (make maps, forms, georeferencing?)


Register for QGIS I to by Wednesday 25 October. Please indicate if you do not understand Norwegian or prefer English.


Published Oct. 20, 2017 12:53 PM - Last modified Apr. 4, 2019 3:16 PM