GEco webpage workshop

Welcome to a practical workshop where we will update the GEco web pages, employee web pages and the NiN wikipedia page.

The main goals of the workshop is to update the webpage text and teach GEco members how to update their own employee page. The GEco web pages have not been updated recently, and the information on each employee (like this one) is not standardised.

Please bring a laptop if you have one, especially if you have an employee page. (If you are not sure wether you have one, go to NHM person search page, search for yourself, and click your name). If you do not have a laptop you can still participate in the group activities.

The workshop will focus on three activities, in parallell, based on the participants' needs:

1. Updating/filling in employee web pages: For permanent employees who need to fill in/update/standardise their web pages. Eva  will show you how you can update the webpages yourself, and help you fill in the necessary information during the workshop.

2. Updating the main GEco group web page: For those who don't need an employee web page or have finished updating theirs. Work together as a group to update the text.  

3. Updating and expanding the NiN page on wikipedia: For those who want to contribute and have finished activities 1 and/or 2.


Eva Lieungh Eriksen (

Tags: vortex, wikipedia
Published Jan. 24, 2018 9:21 AM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2020 3:50 PM