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News - Page 3

Published May 13, 2019 11:04 AM

Beautiful Jeløya was last week's destination for a GEco outing, looking for new field sites and discussing our ongoing and future research.

Published May 13, 2019 10:30 AM

The project 'Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet' had its kickoff meeting last week in the historic Domus Academica in Oslo.

Published Jan. 21, 2019 2:32 PM

GEco is involved in two newly funded projects that relate to feedbacks in the climate system: an eXtension of LATICE, and EMERALD; "Terrestrial ecosystem-climate interactions of our EMERALD planet".  

Published Nov. 6, 2018 9:54 AM

Vitenskapelig råd for NiN har blitt (gjen)opprettet og hadde første møte 17. Oktober. Rådet skal sikre høy vitenskapelig kvalitet i arbeidet med NiN, og opprettelsen markerer en ny fase med intensivt arbeid med NiN.

Published Aug. 24, 2018 11:58 AM

One of our students recently defended her MSC thesis, "A new method to quantify the accuracy of classification and spatial delineation in land cover maps". The method she developed is already being used by the GEco group to train students in vegetation mapping (BIO4120).