Events - Page 3

Time and place: , Mesaninen

Extra‐pair paternity in birds

Time and place: , Mesaninen

Parental genetic similarity and offspring performance in blue tits in relation to brood size manipulation

Time and place: , Mesaninen

Telomere attrition predicts reduced survival in a wild social bird, but short telomeres do not

Time and place: , Mesaninen

Cryptic haplotype-specific gamete selection yields offspring with optimal MHC immune genes

Time and place: , Mesaninen

Selection for longer lived sperm within ejaculate reduces reproductive ageing in offspring

Time and place: , Mesaninen

Plumage microbiota covaries with MHC in blue petrels

Time and place: , Mesaninen

Sperm is a sexual ornament in rose bitterling

Time and place: , Mesaninen

MHC and blood parasites in yellowthroats

Time and place: , Mesaninen

Sperm morphology and paternity in collared flycatchers

Time and place: , Messaninen

Extrapair paternity in Blue Tits

Time and place: , Messaninen

Macroevolution in tanagers

Time and place: , Messaninen

Speedy speciation

Time and place: , Messaninen

Variation in extrapair paternity among fairy wrens

Time and place: , Messaninen

Evolution of avian egg shape

Time and place: , Messaninen

MHC and the immune system

Time and place: , Messaninen

Differential sperm storage by female zebra finches

Time and place: , Messaninen

The mitonuclear compatibility species concept

Time and place: , ZM Lunch room

MHC-seminar and journal club

Time and place: , Messaninen

The evolutionary radiation of bird beaks

Time and place: , Messaninen

Spatial patterns of extra-pair paternity in spotted towhees

Time and place: , Messaninen

Preen wax and the MHC class II in a passerine

Time and place: , Messaninen

A sperm gene associated with promiscuity

Time and place: , Messaninen

Divergent sexual selection in barn swallows

Time and place: , Messaninen

MHC variation in mockingbirds

Time and place: , Messaninen

Sperm morphology and function in the zebra finch