Filling the blanks: a quest for overlooked Norwegian species in poorly known insect taxa: Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae

The project is funded by Artsdatabanken (Norwegian Species information Center) Artsprosjektet (Species project), 2010-2012 (grant 70184219 to V. Gusarov)

Project personnel


  • Vladimir Gusarov, PI
  • Andrey Humala (Forest Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Petrozavodsk, Russia), collaborating expert in systematics of Ichneumonidae
  • Alexey Reshchikov (Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, St Petersburg, Russia), collaborating expert in systematics of Ichneumonidae


  • Synne Arnesen Jenseg (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway)
  • Dolores Lucía Guzman Herrador (University of Granada, Spain)

Collaborating institutions:

  • Randsfjordsmuseene, Dokka (Finn Audun Grøndahl, Alastair G. Kirkwood Brown)
  • The Museum of Natural History and Archaeology, NTNU, Trondheim (Torbjørn Ekrem)
  • University Museum of Bergen (Steffen Roth)


Project goals

  • to generate new knowledge on a poorly know group of Norwegian insects (family Ichneumonidae, Hymenoptera) and discover up to 100 species previously not recorded in Norway.
  • to identify (reidentify) specimens from the target taxon in existing museum collections, including specimens in unsorted samples
  • to sample the target taxon in the field, with particular focus on previously overlooked localities and habitats, using taxon-specific collection methods
  • to identify the newly collected specimens and incorporate them in the museum collection
  • to digitize species occurrence data and make them available through GBIF and Artskart
  • to make the specimens and datasets available to other important biodiversity-related initiatives, such as DNA bardcoding and Norwegian Red List 


The main results and products of the project

1) A checklist of Norwegian species of Ichneumonidae (as of June 14, 2012) is available here.

2) The project discovered 104 Ichneumonid species new to Norway (not listed in the above checklist) and 14 species new to science. Humala & Reshchikov (2012) have already published the first Norwegian records for 15 species. The remaining 89 species new to Norway will be listed in a separate publication. The species new to science will also be described separately.

The following table lists the numbers of species new to Norway and science by subfamilies:


Number of species

new to Norway

Number of species

new to science

Acaenitinae 1  
Adelognathinae 1  
Banchinae 2  
Campopleginae 2  
Cryptinae 1  
Ctenopelmatinae 31 4
Cylloceriinae 1  
Diplazontinae 4 1
Eucerotinae 1  
Ichneumoninae 1  
Metopiinae 13  
Orthocentrinae 22 9
Pimplinae 4  
Poemeniinae 2  
Tersilochinae 9  
Tryphoninae 9  
Total 104 14

3) Publications:

Humala, A.E. & Reshchikov, A.V. (2012) Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) new to the Norwegian fauna. Norwegian Journal of Entomology, 59, 67–71.

4) Ichneumonid wasp workshop (June 7–8, 2012)

Published Nov. 20, 2014 10:18 AM