Mukhabbat Mamadalieva (Tajikistan)

Leader of the women’s ecological NGO “Zan va Zamin” (“Women and Earth”), Ph.D. of biology.

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Mukhabbat Mamadalieva

• Director of the PO “Zan va Zamin”, from 1999 till present. 
• Senior teacher of the Tajik State National University, biochemical department of biological faculty -1994-2004.
• 1994 -2004 Lecturer of The Tajik State National University Teaching of courses “Ecological Genetics”, “Human Genetics”.

Director of the projects of NGO “Zan va Zamin” on conservation Traditional Knowledge and agrobiodiversity supported by The Christensen Fund and other donors: 
1. Project “Revealing and Description of Traditional Knowledge on biodiversity in communities of bordered districts of Tajikistan” (2007); 
2. Project «We save of biocultural diversity of communities Tajikistan» (2009-2010);
3. Project «Conservation of Agrobiocultural Diversity via Joining and Partnership» (2011 -2013)
4. Project “Conservation of the biocultural diversity –the way to sustainable development” (2013-2015) 
5. Project «Biological and cultural diversity – priceless of the national treasure» (2015-2017).
And other projects:
1. Project “Establishment of various farmer unions, agricultural cooperatives, farmer associations” (2008), with the support of Act Central Asia, “Recreating wealth through markets” (2011-2012),
2. Project ”Fostering integrated community ownership for economic development in between Tajik and Afghan agricultural producers” (2011). 
3. Projects with partnership FFI: “Conservation of Biodiversity of nature protected area Childukhtaron and awareness of community” (2008). 
4. Project “Childukhtaron nut and fruit forest” (2009) and other projects.

Participated in different seminars and conferences:  
1. Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and of Traditional Knowledge”. Uzbekistan, Tashkent, October 2005.
2. Workshop “The methods of ethnobiological researches” (Kyrgyzstan) July 2008.
3. Workshop “Partnership and Agrobiodiversity”, Peru, Cuzco, May 2010.
4. COP-10 on Biodiversity, Nagoya, October 2010.
5. United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, 2012. 
6. Workshop “Community-to-Community Exchange and Capacity Development Workshop for Traditional Knowledge Holders”, from 28 September to 4 October 2015, in Bangalore, India.
7. Participation in the “30th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe”, Antalya, Turkey, 4 to 6 May 2016.
8. Farmers' Rights Global Consultation, 27-30 September 2016, Bali, Indonesia. 
9. Regional workshop for Europe and Central Asia „Sustainable food and agriculture for implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on climate change”, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 19-20 June 2017.


Mobile phone: +992-918-65-04-83; +992-880-880-120

Visiting address: 734026 Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Nusratullo Makchsum, h.6/3. Apt.1.
Postal address: 734018, Dushanbe, Shamsi street #2/2. Apt.3.
Education: Tajik State National University, Diploma of biology.

NGO Zan va Zamin (further information, PDF)

National Biodiversity and Biosafety Center

Zan va Zamin, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

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Published Apr. 12, 2022 8:26 AM - Last modified Apr. 18, 2022 2:10 PM