Biodiversity Digital Twin project team at UiO

Biodiversity digital twin for advanced simulation, modeling, and prediction capabilities (BioDT) is a 3-year Horizon Europe project (2022-2025) that will build a digital model of biodiversity systems.

Image may contain: Font, Brand, Graphics, Logo.

About the project (

Biodiversity digital twin for advanced simulation, modeling, and prediction capabilities (BioDT) is a 3-year Horizon Europe project (2022-2025) that will build a digital model of biodiversity systems.

These pages are about the BioDT project team at the University of Oslo Natural History Museum.

Visit the main project home page for a more comprehensive presentation.


The project team at UiO is the co-lead for work-package 4 to build the data content streams and design the scientific use cases to demonstrate the fitness for the use of the digital twin model for peer-review research.


The project team at UiO will contribute to (1) building FAIR data content streams into the digital twin model from Global and European biodiversity research data infrastructures (GBIF, DiSSCo, eLTER, and LifeWatch), and (2) designing the scientific use cases to produce peer-review publications. 


BioDT: a Digital Twin prototype to help protect and restore biodiversity. A top European and global research infrastructures come together to design and develop BioDT, a digital twin prototype for the study and analysis of biodiversity, in support of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.


Comprised of 22 partners, the BioDT consortium brings together a dynamic team of experts in biodiversity, high-performance computing, artificial intelligence, digital twinning, and FAIR data.

CSC in Finland is the project coordinator and host of the BioDT and the EuroHPC flagship LUMI supercomputer.

GBIF (Global Biodiversity Information Facility) represented in the project team by the GBIF Secretariat and GBIF Norway at the University of Oslo, is coordinating the data streams and scientific use cases.

DiSSCo ESFRI (Distributed System of Scientific Collections) is coordinating the FAIR data digital object data quality harmonizations and mobilizing data streams from the European scientific collections.

LTER Europe (European Long-Term Ecosystem Research in Europe) including the eLTER RI ESFRI is mobilizing ecological data streams and co-coordinating the scientific use cases.

LifeWatch ERIC (e-Science European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research) is coordinating biodiversity data analysis services and the training curriculum portal.

Three project positions at UiO


The Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) is funded by the EU Horizon Europe infrastructure program (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-TECH-01-01).

Cordis project details:

Image may contain: Organism, Font, Circle, Electric blue, Graphics.

Tags: BioDT, DigitalTwin, GBIF, DiSSCo, LTER, LifeWatch
Published May 10, 2022 11:00 AM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2024 9:11 AM


Detailed list of participants