Guest researcher visit January 2024, Mauricio Parra Quijano

Vigeland Park

Visiting the Vigaland Park in Oslo during the guest researcher visit.

To help with the BioDT Crop Wild Relative pDT hackathon, Associate Professor Mauricio Parra Quijano of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá joined us for a guest researcher visit in Oslo in January 2024.

The BioDT team at UiO organized a hackathon for the Biodt Crop Wild Relative prototype digital twin in January 2024. Associate Professor Mauricio Parra Quijano of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Bogotá is the main developer of the CAPFITOGEN tool and was leading the session on CWR in situ conservation for the hackathon.

Tags: BioDT, Capfitogen, Crop Wild Relatives
Published Apr. 22, 2024 11:01 AM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2024 9:30 AM