Invited speakers

Anna Karnkowska      Image may contain: Necklace, Clothing, Forehead, Nose, Face.


Institute of Evolutionary Biology
University of Warsaw
Talk title: From genomes to the environment – towards understanding the ecology and evolution of phototrophic protists



Johan Decelle       


Cell & Plant Physiology Laboratory
CNRS - University of Grenoble Alps
Talk title: Exploring cell-cell interactions 
in the plankton at the subcellular scale




Past ISOP President's Address

Christopher Lane    Image may contain: Water, Underwater diving, Divemaster, Scuba diving, Vertebrate.


Department of Biological Sciences
University of Rhode Island
United States
Talk title: Transmissible cancers or red agal parasites: red algal analogs to animal disease



Published June 14, 2021 1:20 PM - Last modified Apr. 12, 2022 8:26 AM