Evolutionary history and phylogeny of the genus Scadoxus (Amaryllidaceae) and its adaption to changing environment

Funded by: Småforsk (Biol. Inst.)

Description of Project:
To untwine the evolutionary history of the genus Scadoxus in Amaryllidaceae. With particular focus on the shifts in habitats from savannas to rain forest. If this shift has occurred several times it indicates that these plants are responding successfully to changing environment, and would probably also be able to adapt when exposed to the expected climatic change. This genus was revised by Friis & Bjørnstad in the seventies based mainly on morphology. Scadoxus puniceus has a peculiar disjunct distribution and the origin of the taxon will be studied closely.

Published Nov. 20, 2014 10:12 AM - Last modified Apr. 12, 2022 10:55 AM