Ion Torrent

Please find relevant information of the IonTorrent fascilities below. The information below was updated 8 October 2014. These respective tools are continuously being updated. Please log into the Ion Community for the latest versions.   

Relevant and highly useful tools for library prep and quality estimates of the ISPs is found at our internal Google Drive.


Library preparation: For library preparation, we recommend using the IonPGM Descicion Tree as guideline when planning new projects. Please contact the lab technicians if you have any questions.  

Ion OneTouch2: Template preparation of libraries.

Ion OneTouch ES: The enrichment system provided in the OneTouch template preparation pipeline.

Ion Chef: Automated template preparation. Does more or less the same as the OneTouch.

Ion PGM: The sequencing instrument present in our DNA lab.





Published Oct. 8, 2014 7:36 AM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2022 3:07 PM
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