For internal users

Here you may find information regarding relevant documents (e.g. lab guide lines, lists of consumables provided by the internal lab budget, protocols etc), and make reservations for the sensi- and ancient DNA lab.


researcher working in lab with protective gearWe have also made an internal Google Drive folder for the DNA lab. You can find a lot of useful tools here. Note that non-administrators only have read access.

General guidelines and HSE

These documents must be signed by each user before starting any lab work.

Placing orders and routines for deliveries

Please complete this purchase order form for placing orders of lab equipment, reagents and lab services.

Please also read UiO's guidelines for the procurement process.   

Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)

An agreement for guest researchers bringing biological material to facilitate their own research at the DNA-lab at NHM can be found here. Please save the file locally, fill out the required fields in the agreement electronically, then print and sign the document. The agreement is based on the "Material Transfer Agreement - MTA4" provided by the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF). 

Lab journals

It is important that all lab experiments are properly recorded. This is critical in order to replicate experiments and document experimental work. A "how to" tutorial of recording lab work may be found here.   

Storage resources (from spring 2017)

Press here for more information about our long-term storage facilities for large genetic datasets generated at NHM. 

Authorship technicians

Our general policy for acknoledgement and authorship for technical support can be found here.

The "how to NOT do it" guide

It seems that some lab habits are almost impossible to get rid of. Press here to find the "how to NOT do it" guide.


Published Sep. 25, 2014 10:49 AM - Last modified Sep. 11, 2023 2:55 PM