Coordinate transformation

Conversion between geographical coordinates in different grids and datums. The number of input columns depends on the data type, as described below.

Decimal degrees (WGS84)

Two columns: Latitude and longitude, in decimal degrees (60.5 is 60 degrees, 30 minutes). Negative values for south of equator and west of Greenwich. Referenced to the WGS84 datum.

Deg/decimal mins (WGS84)

Four columns: Latitude degrees, deci mal minutes (40.5 is 40 minutes, 30 seconds), longitude degrees, decimal minutes. Referenced to the WGS84 datum.

Deg/min/sec (WGS84)

Six columns: Latitude degrees, minutes, seconds, longitude degrees, minutes, seconds. Referenced to the WGS84 datum.

UTM-ED50 (Intl 1924)

Three columns: Easting (meters), northing (meters), and zone. Use negative zone numbers for the southern hemisphere. The handling of UTM zones takes into account the special cases of Svalbard and western Norway. Referenced to the ED50 European datum at Potsdam.


Three columns: Easting (meters), northing (meters), and zone. Referenced to the WGS84 datum.

UTM-NAD27 (Clarke 1866)

Three columns: Easting (meters), northing (meters), and zone. Referenced to the NAD27 datum. Conversion to/from this format is slightly inaccurate (5-6 meters).


Three columns: Easting (meters), northing (meters), and zone. Referenced to the NAD83 datum (practically identical to WGS84).

Sweden (RT90)

Two columns: Easting (meters) and northing (meters).

The transformations are based on code generously provided by I. Scollar.

Published Aug. 31, 2020 7:52 PM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2020 7:52 PM