Vol. 11. Evolution in higher plants: patterns and processes

Vol. 11. R.H. Økland (ed.): Evolution in higher plants: patterns and processes. Papers and posters presented on a symposium arranged on occasion of the 175th anniversary of the Botanical Garden in Oslo, June 5-8, 1989. 183 pp. (Dec. 1990).

ISBN 82-7420-009-8. ISSN 0800-6865.

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K. Apelgren: Myosotis baltica - a questionable taxon

C.C. Berg: Differentiation of flowers and inflorescences of Urticales in relation to their protection against breeding insects and to pollination

R.Y. Berg: Seed dispersal relative to population structure, reproductive capacity, seed predation, and distribution in Euphorbia balsamifera (Euphorbiaceae), with a note on sclerendochory

R. von Bothmer: Evolutionary patterns in wild barleys

O. Eriksson & L. Jerling: Hierarchical selection in clonal plants

T.W.J. Gadella: Hybridization in Symphytum: pattern and process

I. Hedberg: Morphological, cytotaxonomic and evolutionary studies in Anthoxanthum odoratum L. s. lat. - a critical review

M. Hedrén: Problems in Carex jemtlandica and C. bergrothii (Cyperaceae) in Sweden.

U.-M. Hultgård: Polyploidy and differentiation in N European populations of Primula subgenus Aleuritia

B. Jonsell: Evolutionary trends among plants in the Baltic land uplift area

I. Nordal & M.M. Laane: Cytology and reproduction in Arctic Cochlearia

J.M. Olesen & E. Warncke: Morphological, phenological and biochemical differentiation in relation to gene flow in a population of Saxifraga hirculus

P. Uotila, T. Lahti, E. Kemppainen & A. Kurtto: Population biology of threatened vascular plants in Finland

Published Dec. 6, 2018 2:58 PM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2022 3:10 PM