Master studies

We offer supervison of Master's theses to students enrolled in the Master's programmes of Biosciences and Geosciences at the University of Oslo.

Master's Thesis Collaboration

Are you a student in the Master's programmes in Biosciences and Geosciences and want to pursue your Master's thesis at the Natural History Museum?

We offer pre-designed projects, but we also encourage students in biosciences and geosciences to directly contact our research groups to design a project that aligns with their interests.

Available Master's Thesis Projects

The Departments of Biosciences and Geosciences have lists of available Master Thesis Projects which include projects offered at the museum.

Explore topics chosen by current and former students

Reading rooms

We offer dedicated study spaces for our Master's students in biosciences at the Botanical Museum and the Zoological Museum, while our Master's students in geosciences have assigned study spaces at our Økern premises.

Information for current students and supervisors