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Information for visitors

Find your way to the museum

Location and map

The Natural History Museum is located in Grünerløkka by Tøyen on the Eastern side of downtown Oslo (link to Google Maps). The museum includes all the premises within the fences enclosing our botanical garden. We have four entrances – in Sars' gate, Jens Bjelkes gate and two in Monrads gate. The official address of the museum is Sars' gate 1, 0562 Oslo, Norway. 

Public transport

Se Ruters nettsider for ruteinformasjon

Car parking and bicycling

  • Driving on the museum premises is not permitted, with the exception of visitors with disabilities with a valid parking placard, and deliveries to the museum. Entry through the gate in Sars' gate. 
  • There is no designated parking lots at the museum, but visitors may use the public parking spots surrounding the museum premises (parking charges apply). 
  • HC parking is available outside the Botanical Garden in Monrads gate, next to the indoor sport ground.  See map of HC parking at the Natural History Museum
  • See available parking for employees, students, guests, entrepreneurs, etc.
  • Racks for parking bicycles are located outside the fence of the Botanical Garden in Monrads gate. 
  • Bicycling is not permitted in the Botanical Garden, including electric scooter bikes. Exception for transport of transport of  seniors in need and persons with disabilities. 


Children and families


  • Dogs are allowed outdoors in the Botanical Garden. They must be kept on a short leash at all times and kept away from the flowerbeds.
  • Owners are required to use dog waste bags. 
  • Service dogs are allowed in the exhibitions. Other pets are not permitted.


Baby strollers are normally allowed in our exhibitions. However, at busy times with many visitors we kindly ask to leave the stroller parked on the outside of the museum buildings. Baby carriers can be borrowed. 

Wheelchair access

  • There is wheelchair access throughout most parts of the Botanical Garden. Be aware that certain parts of the garden are steep and have narrow tracks. 
  • Exhibitions in Collett's House, Brøgger's House and the Climate are accessible with wheelchair. There are also HC toilets in the exhibitions. 
  • The greenhouses (The Palm House and The Victoria House) are unfortunately not adapted for wheelchair access. 
  • The museum has two wheelchairs available that can be borrowed on request. Please ask the Museum Shop upon your arrival or call ahead of your visit


  • Toilets are available for visitors in the exhibition buildings in addition to the  ved Tøyen hovedgård. 
  • HC toilets are available in the exhibitions and by Tøyen Manor. 

Film and photography

Photography and filming for private use is allowed at the Natural History Museum, including the Botanical Garden. Photography involving many people or or equipment that may be of nuisance to other visitors is, however, not allowed. 

All professional photography, non-commercial and commercial, is only permitted with a written agreement from the Natural History Museum. Please apply by using the application form below if you want to use the Natural History Museum as a photo location. 

The Natural History Museum has a general prohibition against commercial activities on our premises, photography for ad campaigns. 

Application for photography and filming at the museum (NO)

Please be aware that the processing time for the application may take up to 10 working days. 

Other collaborations

 We receive many inquiries from external people who wish to use the museum for activities, exhibitions, and events. If you wish to use our facilities for your project, you must use this application form.

Plan your visit with children

Practical information for visting the museum with children, and tips on which highlights are popular in the exhibitions.

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Visit our library

When buying a ticket to our indoor exhibitions, you also get access to our library which is filled with books on nature. Enjoy activities like legos, animal models, puzzles and fossils. You can also eat your own food here.

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