Faglige arrangementer - Side 10

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/67907015574

On Thursday, March 4th we welcome Dr Katie Collins to the NHM. Dr Collins is based at the London Natural History Museum and will be giving the Tangled Bank seminar on her research into the geometry and diversity of mollusc shell form. 

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/65847389217

On Thursday, February 18th we welcome Dr Pádraic Flood to the NHM. He will be giving the Tangled Bank Seminar on “The Genetic Basis of Convergent Adaptation to Altitude in Arabidopsis thaliana”.

Tid og sted: , Digital meeting only

The purpose of the GREENPEG Kick-off Meeting Norway is to introduce the 90-million-NOK, EU-supported GREENPEG mineral exploration project and to bring together Norwegian stakeholders and institutions benefitting from GREENPEG activities.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Silje Larsen Rekdal ved Naturhistorisk museum vil forsvare sin avhandling "Major histocompatibility complex and mate choice in two passerine birdsfor ph.d.-graden.

Tid og sted: , Tøyen hovedgård

As a measure to prevent spread of Coronavirus the seminar has been cancelled. 

Seminar by Mario Vallejo-Marin (University of Stirling) on "Buzz pollination: The ecology and evolution of buzzing bees and vibrating flowers " and Christian Parisod (University of Bern) on "Transposons and genome evolution in natural plant populations."