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Faglige arrangementer - Side 15


I dette seminaret blir det gjennomgang av Øyvind Lynnes oppgave om utbredelsesmodellering, spesifikt for kalkkrevende planter i Oslo-området.


Welcome to the seminar  "Tracking crowberry: Spatio-temporal colonisation patterns of Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum at an alpine spoil heap", by PhD fellow  Jan Sulavik  from the Department of Environmental Sciences at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) / Sogndal.



Welcome to the seminar “Urban biodiversity: measurement and modelling challenges for a policy-relevant ecology”, where professor Olav Skarpaas (GEco group)  will present some ongoing work on biodiversity in Oslo.

Many cities are situated in areas with high biodiversity. Oslo offers an excellent example of this challenging combination of being both a human and a biodiversity hotspot. Olav will present methodological challenges as well as solutions to quantifying rare biodiversity elements and assess the magnitude of human impact. This involves uncertainties at several levels, but may serve as a starting point for defining and estimating reference states and building biodiversity and ecosystem accounts.


We are pleased to announce an exciting double seminar by two visiting bioinformatics scientists from the University of Helsinki:

Dental ecometrics: modeling relationships of mammalian communities, vegetation and climate now and in the past, by Indrė Žliobaitė.

Machine learning approaches for predicting dominant vegetation types based on climatic averages and extremes, by Rita Beigaitė.



Julie Brastein Halvorsen vil fortelle om sin masteroppgave om urbane natursystemer i Oslo, med artsregistreringer og NiN-kartlegging i fin målestokk.


Wednesday December 12 the Tangled Bank Seminar will be held by Bastian Star from Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences (UiO) and Freek T. Bakker from Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)


In the seminar "Modelling spatial dynamics in plant ecology: a review" PhD fellow Eva L. Eriksen invites us to a discussion of structures in a topic that spans from local population dynamics to global dynamic vegetation models.


In this seminar Rune Halvorsen will present and discuss principles for systematisation of ecological diversity, based on the ongoing translation and international publication of 'Nature in Norway' (NiN).


Økt turglede gir også økt slitasje på naturen: DNT Ung sammen med blant annet Inger K. Volden og Anders Bryn snakker om "friluftsparadokset" på torsdag. Les mer her!


Thursday November 22 the Tangled Bank Seminar will be held by Carrie Joy Andrew of the EVOGENE group at Department of Biosciences (UiO) and Trond Simensen of the GEco group at NHM.