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Faglige arrangementer - Side 16


Oddvar Pedersen har fulgt strandtorn, en av våre sjeldneste plantearter, i mange år. I dette seminaret vil han presentere nye, detaljerte og spennende data.


In this seminar, PhD fellow Peter Horvath (GEco and LATICE) invites us to a discussion of the ideas in his thesis paper 'For better or worse? Comparison of three spatial modelling methods for describing the vegetation mantle'.


In this seminar, Master student and app developer Michal Torma will recap developments and results from the project Natur i endring, introduce his Masters project, and invite us to consider possibilities for a NiN app.


Welcome to the seminar “Science science fiction”, where PhD fellows Eva Lieungh Eriksen (GEco group) and Maria Ariza Salazar (PET group) will take us to the future of ecosystem metabarcoding - and beyond!


Hanna Nyborg Støstad  ved Naturhistorisk museum vil forsvare sin avhandling The evolution and function of sperm head morphology in songbirds for ph.d.-graden.


Thursday October 25  Tommaso Pizzari of University of Oxford and Charlotta Kvarnemo of University of Gothenburg will give a Tangled Bank Seminar on "The polyandry revolution" and "The many mysteries of monogamy", respectively.


Lene Liebe Delsett  ved Naturhistorisk museum vil forsvare sin avhandling. Ichthyosaurs from the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary at Spitsbergen. for ph.d.-graden.


The day before the disputation of Lene Liebe Delsett October 5 a seminar will be organized with the opponents. The talks will be in a popularized format and understandable for all, including geologists and biologists. This also marks the very first Tangled Bank Seminar at the Natural History Museum.


Mandag 3. september er det årsfest og UiOs 207-årsdag. Årsfesten er startskuddet for UiOs satsing på FNs bærekraftsmål, og det blir utdeling av priser for beste mastergrader om bærekraft, bærekraftsutstilling og foredrag og paneldebatt om ulike temaer innen bærekraft. Blant foredragsholderne som skal snakke i Universitetets Aula er GEco's Rune Halvorsen. 


”Dynamics of tree- and forest lines over time

 A case study from Lærdal, Western Norway