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Our Tangled Banks Seminar on Thursday, May 5th at 14:30 will be given by Dr Patricia Brennan. Dr Brennan is an evolutionary biologist interested in how selection affects behavioural, physiological and morphological aspects of sexual reproduction, genitalia in particular. For more information please visit her website


Description of the Neoselachii material from the Early Triassic Grippia level Bonebed of Spitsbergen, Norway.


We are happy to announce that Daniel Varajão de Latorre will give our Tangled Bank seminar on Thursday, June 2nd at 14:30. 

Daniel is a PhD student in the Marshall lab at Berkeley, California. He is investigating the biotic mechanisms that drive variation in speciation rate across groups and its relationship with extinction rate. He is interested in the processes that generate and maintain biodiversity across evolutionary time scales. His online bio also states an interest in the evolution and morphological diversity of the baculum.  



We are happy to announce the first Tangled Banks seminar of 2022. Our first speaker will be Dr Alex Slavenko, a Royal Society research associate based at the University of Sheffield. Dr Slavenko describes his research interests as “the intersection between macroevolution, macroecology, morphology and biogeography.” His current work looks to understand the interaction between trait evolution and dynamics of diversification using new models of trait evolution, simulations, and large datasets for macroevolutionary analyses. For more information, please visit his website https://alexslavenko.weebly.com/ (note for more information about the individual research projects described on the research page click on the picture).


We warmly invite you to a FRONT conference on gender equality in academia to be held at the Climate House at the Natural History Museum University of Oslo on May 12th 2022. This event will summarize the main results of the FRONT project, with an emphasis on those results that may be especially important for non-permanent or freshly established researchers and those that come from outside Norway. We are grateful to have renowned researchers in the field as speakers, and the book "Gender equality in academia - from knowledge to change" by Øystein Gullvåg Holter and Lotta Karin Snickare (editors) will be discussed.


Doctoral candidate Tor Erik Eriksen at the Natural History Museum will be defending the thesis "A macroinvertebrate‐based biomonitoring tool for diagnosing environmental conditions of rivers in Myanmar – a novel approach in a biodiversity hotspot" for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).


Professor Anusuya Chinsamy-Turan is a world renown palaeo-biologist at the University of Cape Town. Her research on the microscopic structure of mineralised tissues has led to a better understanding of the biology of a variety of extinct animals, such as, dinosaurs (including birds), the flying reptiles, and the mammal-like reptiles (therapsids). She has published extensively - both in high-ranking international scientific journals as well as, in the popular press, and her free online MOOC on “Extinctions - Past and Present” ranks in the Top 50 worldwide.  In addition, she has authored two academic books, The Microstructure of Dinosaur Bone (Johns Hopkins University Press, USA, 2005) and "The Forerunners of Mammals: Radiation. Histology. Biology" (Indiana University Press, USA, 2012), as well as four popular level books: "Famous Dinosaurs of Africa" (RandomHouseStruik, SA, 2008); “Fossils for Africa” (Cambridge University Press, 2014); Dinosaurs of Africa (RandomHouseStruik, 2021); Dinosaurs and other Prehistoric Life (Dorling Kindersley, UK, 2021).  


Dr Nathan Upham from Arizona State University will give our Tangled Banks Seminar on April 21st at 15:00. This talk will be given via Zoom. Dr Upham is an ecologist and evolutionary biologist with core interests in how species-species, species-environment, and species-pathogen interactions have evolved through time and across the tree of life. For more information, please visit his website


Please email Dr Emma Whittington for the zoom link (emmawh@uio.no)


We are happy to announce, our Tangled Banks Seminar speaker on April 7th at 14:30 will be Professor Knud Andreas Jønsson from the Natural History Museum of Denmark. Professor Jønsson is a systematist, biogeographer and evolutionary ecologist who uses a combination of field and lab work to study the origin, dispersal, differentiation, adaptation and persistence of species' diversity and distribution.

Email Dr Emma Whittington (emmawh@uio.no) for the link. 


We are happy to introduce Dr Ariel Kahrl as our Tangled Banks speaker on Thursday, March 24th at 14:30. We expect this seminar to be held in person. Dr Kahrl is a postdoctoral researcher at Stockholm University, in the lab of John Fitzpatrick. She uses a combination of fieldwork, computational analyses, and experimental biology to study the evolution of sexually selected traits. Here talk will focus on comparative analyzes of sperm morphology across taxa.