Guest lecture: Professor Peter C. Kjærgaard

Professor Peter C. Kjærgaard ved Interdisciplinary Evolutionary Studies, Department of Culture and Society, Aarhus University vil holde gjesteforelesningen:

What makes us human? Major questions in human evolutionary studies. 

Professor Peter C. Kjærgaard

Foredraget omhandler menneskets evolution i kulturhistorisk og naturhistorisk perspektiv (se nedenfor)



The human story has traditionally been viewed as a series of revolutionary leaps: down from the trees, up on two legs, using technology, and starting civilization. There have been different views of the how, when and where, and of the sequence of events. These leaps have all, however, been seen as crucial steps on the path that made us human. This has produced a series of different, yet simple narratives with a conventional focus on human origins. But human evolution is not a simple matter and the story of what made us human is so much more than tracing the first of everything. In recent years we have added layers of complexity to our understanding of these issues, which, at the very core of our research, calls for an integration of biological, social and cultural perspectives. Today human evolutionary studies is an intrinsically interdisciplinary endeavour. Our answers to the question what makes us human will have to reflect that. This talk will discuss some of the major questions and challenges in the field today. We have come a long way, but there are still things we are only just beginning to understand. 


Kulturhistorisk museum og Naturhistorisk museum
Publisert 28. okt. 2011 14:26 - Sist endret 31. okt. 2011 09:56