Evolution of myrmecophily in xanthopygine rove beetles

Guest lecture by Dr Stylianos Chatzimanolis, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, U.S.A.


The subtribe Xanthopygina is a neotropical lineage of rove beetles with 29 genera and more than 350 species described. Xanthopygine beetles are among the largest and most brilliantly colored of all rove beetles. Despite their large size very little is known about their natural history. A recently proposed molecular phylogeny hypothesized that myrmecophily in this group evolved at least twice with likely more origins. The morphological adaptations for myrmecophily are discussed along with notes on the natural history.

Publisert 4. sep. 2014 16:56 - Sist endret 11. apr. 2022 14:22