Two guest lectures: Ian Owens and Marion Petrie

Guest lectures by Professor Ian Owens, Director of Science, Natural History Museum, London, and Professor, Imperial College, London and Professor Marion Petrie, Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University.

Lecture 1: For the learned and the curious: the role of natural history museums in the 21st century

Professor Ian Owens, Director of Science, Natural History Museum, London, and Professor, Imperial College, London

Many of the world's great natural history museums have their roots in the cultural and scientific revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, a time of intense interest in collecting, displaying and debating the extraordinary objects that were being brought from around the world. I will ask whether there is still a scientific and public role of these institutions today and in the future, when digital technology allows instant global access to what were once rare objects and when taxonomy, mineralogy and systematics are commonly identified as being disciplines in crisis. Can natural history museums still do relevant science? Can they still inspire the learned and the curious? Can they change enough to rediscover their original purpose?

Lecture 2: From peacocks to people: the importance of mate choice

Professor Marion Petrie, Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University

Work on peacocks suggests that females gain 'good genes' for their offspring as a result of mate choice.  This talk considers whether similar processes could occur in humans, what we mean by good genes, how we might assess genetic quality and lastly whether the use of oral contraceptives can disrupt adaptive mate choice.

Publisert 30. apr. 2014 14:25 - Sist endret 11. apr. 2022 14:37