Prof. emeritus David L. Bruton 80 years

On 3rd July 2019 professor emeritus David L. Bruton turned 80! To celebrate this, there will be a full day seminar at the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo. 

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The event requires registration. If you would like to participate, please contact professor Hans Arne Nakrem at:


Phone: +47 22851732 / +47 924 63 785

Read Hans Arne Nakrem and Jørn Hurum's tribute to Bruton from 2009 when he turned 70 (, in Norwegian)


09:00 Registration, coffee, tea, biscuits
09:30 Welcome by Hans Arne Nakrem (NHM, Oslo)
09:40 “David Bruton – lecturer and mentor” by Jørn Hurum (NHM, Oslo)
10:00 “David Bruton - A dedicated taxonomist and curator” by Franz-Josef Lindemann (NHM, Oslo)
10:20 "Early days on the Ordovician of Svalbard” by Richard A. Fortey (Natural History Museum, London)
10:50 “David Bruton: Nurturer of the flourishing international community of trilobite workers” by Alan W. Owen (University of Glasgow)
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Guided tour in the new paleontological exhibitions (temporarily housed in the
Zoological Museum)
14:00 “The shells in the Caledonian Mountains: Reconstructing ancient oceans and their islands” by David A. T. Harper (Durham University)
14:30 “Correlation of Alum Shale and the use of gamma ray logs” by Arne T. Nielsen (Københavns Universitet)
15:00 “Cambrian Series 2 biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy of Scandinavia: a reappraisal based on the successions in southernmost Sweden and the Scandinavian Caledonides” by Per Ahlberg (Lunds Universitet)
15:30 Closing words
18:00 Informal dinner at Økern, the new research and collection facility, including guided tour through the premises.


Publisert 2. sep. 2019 15:09 - Sist endret 5. sep. 2019 08:23