
Tid og sted: , Klimahuset (Naturhistorisk museum), Tøyen

Velkommen til Arktisk dag på Universitetet i Oslo. Tema for årets arrangement er "Hotspot Arktis: Klimaendringer og geopolitikk"

Tid og sted: , The Climate House, Natural History Museum, or zoom

We warmly invite you to a FRONT conference on gender equality in academia to be held at the Climate House at the Natural History Museum University of Oslo on May 12th 2022. This event will summarize the main results of the FRONT project, with an emphasis on those results that may be especially important for non-permanent or freshly established researchers and those that come from outside Norway. We are grateful to have renowned researchers in the field as speakers, and the book "Gender equality in academia - from knowledge to change" by Øystein Gullvåg Holter and Lotta Karin Snickare (editors) will be discussed.