FRONT Conference: Gender equality in academia

We warmly invite you to a FRONT conference on gender equality in academia to be held at the Climate House at the Natural History Museum University of Oslo on May 12th 2022. This event will summarize the main results of the FRONT project, with an emphasis on those results that may be especially important for non-permanent or freshly established researchers and those that come from outside Norway. We are grateful to have renowned researchers in the field as speakers, and the book "Gender equality in academia - from knowledge to change" by Øystein Gullvåg Holter and Lotta Karin Snickare (editors) will be discussed.

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Zoom meeting link

Meeting ID: 682 7737 1441
Passcode: 470656


A large majority of both employees and students at the University of Oslo say that they want an equal workplace. But how do we work best with gender equality in academia within traditionally male-dominated subject areas? And what effect does the gender imbalance in academia have on the development and use of science and technology in society? The FRONT Project aims to explore these very timely and critically important questions. 

The book 'Gender equality in academia - from knowledge to change', written by Øystein Gullvåg Holter, Lotta Karin Snickare, Knut Liestøl, Eva Amundsdotter, Ylva Elvin-Nowak and Greta Gober, presents exciting research on gender balance in science and technology at Faculty for Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo. The work is a rich source of new knowledge on the situation in particular in Norway, where gender equality is generally assumed to have come further than in other parts of Europe and the United States.

The book results show that there still exists a persistently skewed selection in academia. A "gender gap" is revealed in experiences within the work environment and professional culture, where women often underperform their male colleagues. The book presents models that can explain why male dominance persists at the top level, as well as interesting results from the follow-up research on the measures in the FRONT project.

This event will summarize the main results from the FRONT project and book 'Gender equality in academia - from knowledge to change', and will be held in English. The results will be placed in a larger societal context in order to gain new insights into the consequences of gender inequality for tomorrow's academic and technology developments.

This conference is particularly relevant for researchers, non-permanent staff and employees that come from outside Norway, employees and managers in the higher education sector, and individuals and academic environments that are concerned with gender balance in academia. The conference is also relevant for employees who work with gender equality in an organizational and management development perspective.

10:45 - 11:00 Arrival and coffee
11:00 - 11:15

Introduction to the FRONT project Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle, Director of the Natural History Museum, Univ. of Oslo and Nina Hoel, Dean of Studies, Faculty of Theology, Univ. of Oslo

11:15 - 12:00 Equality in academia: Hierarchy in academic subjects and challenges from mobility Knut Liestøl, Prof. Emeritus Department of Informatics, Univ. of Oslo 
12:00 - 12:45


12:45 - 13:45

Understanding the academic gender gap: Results from the FRONT project Øystein Gullvåg Holter, Prof. Emeritus, Center for Gender Research, Univ. of Oslo and Lotta Karin Snickare, Researcher at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and at the Centre for Gender Research, Univ. of Oslo, and Researcher at the Department of Banking and Finance, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, Sweden)

13:45 - 14:00

Break and coffee
14:00 - 15:00 Group Discussion led by Solveig Kristiansen, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Brit Lisa Skjelkvåle
15:00 - 15:20 Concluding remarks Solveig Kristiansen
15:20 - 16:00 Snacks and mingling

Contact Information

If you have questions about the event, contact Marcella Orwick Rydmark, research coordinator, the Natural History Museum, Univ. of Oslo
E-mail:, mobile 94494094

If you have questions in regards to the FRONT project, please contact Marthe Amundsen, Administrator leader of FRONT, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Univ. of Oslo
Email: mobile 98024299


The FRONT project works to improve the gender balance in academia through new knowledge, learning and innovative measures. The project has two project periods (2015 - 2019 and 2019 - 2023) and is a collaborative project between the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Theology, the Natural History Museum, the Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Research and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. The project is supported by the Research Council of Norway as part of the program  «Gender balance in top academic positions and research management» (BALANCE).


The Natural History MuseumThe Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and The Faculty of Theology

Publisert 23. nov. 2021 12:02 - Sist endret 9. mai 2022 20:38