MSc paleontology presentations

MSc students in ”Paleontology and depositional environments” at the Natural History Museum (UiO) present their thesis work ”so far”.

10:00 Welcome
10:10 Thine S. Dalseg: Applications of Jurassic palynology
10:30 Hanna Rósa Hjálmarsdóttir: Jurassic benthic foraminifera
10:50 Andreas Garten: Silurian siliciclastic shelf sedimentation
11:10 Julie Guttormsen: Ordovician carbonate firm and hardgrounds

11:30 Discussion

12:00 Lunch (pizza)

12:45 Anders Øverli: Triassic ichthyosaur evolution
13:05 Aubrey Roberts: Jurassic ichthyosaur evolution
13:25 Linn Novis: Taphonomy of Oxford Clay/Holzmaden vertebrates

13:45 Discussion

14:00 Espen M. Knutsen: Secondary adaption to marine life in vertebrates (10 ECTS exam presentation, special syllabus for PhD).
Examinator: Jørn H. Hurum. External censor: Arne Bjørge, Havforsk, Bergen

Publisert 9. nov. 2011 17:11 - Sist endret 10. aug. 2015 15:05