Reefugia: 30 million years of turbid reefs in the Coral Triangle

This seminar will be given by Dr Nadia Santodomingo from the University of Oxford. 


The Coral Triangle region of southeast Asia contains the most diverse marine ecosystems on Earth. This high biodiversity is at risk due to anthropogenic environmental change, and thus identification of potential ecological refugia is a high priority. In this talk, I will show 1. how combining our palaeoecological studies with surveys in modern reefs has given us some clues about the long-term resilience of turbid ecosystems over the past thirty million years in the Coral Triangle and 2. why the conservation of these reef ecosystems should be in the spotlight of management plans in the region.

About Dr Nadia Santodomingo

Nadia is a lecturer in palaeontology at the University of Oxford's Department of Earth Sciences. Her main research interest is the origin and maintenance of marine biodiversity in the Coral Triangle region in Southeast Asia. As a marine biologist and geoscientist, her research falls in the novel discipline of Conservation Paleobiology as it integrates information from the fossil record and modern corals to understand how reefs responded to past climate events and to predict their response to the current climate crisis. 

More information 

Please contact Emma Whittington in order to get access to the Zoom link

Publisert 25. jan. 2023 11:57 - Sist endret 22. mars 2023 11:11