Time machine biology: paleobiology, biodiversity, and climate change

This seminar will be given by Dr Moriaki Yasuhara from the University of Hong Kong. Dr Yasuhara will be visiting in person. 

Illustration: graphic illustration containing clock surrounded by pictograms of organisms


Direct observations of marine ecosystems are inherently limited in their temporal scope. Yet, ongoing global anthropogenic change urgently requires improved understanding of long-term baselines, greater insight into the relationship between climate and biodiversity, and knowledge of the evolutionary consequences of our actions. Sediment cores and fossils included there can provide this understanding by linking data on the responses of marine biota to reconstructions of past environmental and climatic change. Given continuous sedimentation and robust age control, studies of sediment cores have the potential to constrain the state and dynamics of past climates and biodiversity on timescales of centuries to millions of years. Here, we review the development and recent advances in "ocean drilling paleobiology" or "Time Machine Biology"—a synthetic science with potential to illuminate the interplay and relative importance of ecological and evolutionary factors during times of global change. Climate appears to control marine ecosystems on various timescales. I will showcase several examples from recent studies from our lab.

About Dr. Moriaki Yasuhara

Profile picture of Moriaki Yasuhara

Dr Yasuhara is a paleontologist with broad interests in marine palaeoecology and macroecology. His recent research has focused on the spatio-temporal dynamics of large-scale biodiversity patterns, the impact of climate on species diversity, and the controlling factor(s) of biodiversity pattern/change in shallow-marine, deep sea and pelagic ecosystems, especially using marine ostracods as a study system. He is also interested in human-induced marine ecosystem degradation.

More information 

Please contact Emma Whittington in order to get access to the Zoom link

Publisert 29. mars 2023 13:25 - Sist endret 10. apr. 2023 21:10