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Wednesday December 12 the Tangled Bank Seminar will be held by Bastian Star from Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CEES), Department of Biosciences (UiO) and Freek T. Bakker from Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands)

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Thursday November 22 the Tangled Bank Seminar will be held by Carrie Joy Andrew of the EVOGENE group at Department of Biosciences (UiO) and Trond Simensen of the GEco group at NHM. 

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Thursday October 25  Tommaso Pizzari of University of Oxford and Charlotta Kvarnemo of University of Gothenburg will give a Tangled Bank Seminar on "The polyandry revolution" and "The many mysteries of monogamy", respectively.

Tid og sted: , Tøyen Hovedgård

The day before the disputation of Lene Liebe Delsett October 5 a seminar will be organized with the opponents. The talks will be in a popularized format and understandable for all, including geologists and biologists. This also marks the very first Tangled Bank Seminar at the Natural History Museum.