Tangled Bank Seminar

Tuesday October 29th the Tangled Bank Seminar will be given by Carl Simpson on "How colonial animals evolve".

Tangled Bank lecturer 29th of October 2019

How colonial animals evolve


Carl Simpson
Assistant Professor
CU Museum of Natural History – Geological Sciences, Colorado University Boulder (US)


The evolution of modular colonial animals such as reef corals and bryozoans is enigmatic because of the ability for modules to proliferate asexually as whole colonies reproduce sexually. This reproductive duality creates an evolutionary tension between modules and colonies because selection operates at both levels. To understand how this evolutionary conflict is resolved, we compared the evolutionary potential of module- and colony-level traits in two species of the bryozoan Stylopoma, grown and bred in a common garden experiment. I find quantitatively distinct differences in the evolutionary potential of modular and colony traits. Contrary to solitary organisms, individual traits are not heritable from mother to daughter modules, but colony traits are strongly heritable from parent to offspring colonies. Colony-level evolution therefore dominates because no evolutionary change can accumulate among its modules.


I'm a macroevolutionary paleobiologist. My work extends beyond the limits of microevolution by including processes that encompass many species and span deep time. In my work, I focus on the macroevolution of colonial organisms, and I specialize in bryozoans and corals.

Publisert 21. okt. 2019 15:54 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2023 11:13