Tangled Bank Seminar

On Thursday, February 18th we welcome Dr Pádraic Flood to the NHM. He will be giving the Tangled Bank Seminar on “The Genetic Basis of Convergent Adaptation to Altitude in Arabidopsis thaliana”.

Dr. Pádraic Flood


The Genetic Basis of Convergent Adaptation to Altitude in Arabidopsis thaliana


Abstract: Convergent evolution at the phenotypic level is well documented across the tree of life, however, it is not known how often this phenotypic convergence is due to convergence at the molecular level. Using populations of  Arabidopsis thaliana which have adapted to the tropical alpine environment in East Africa we show that the phenotypic convergence we see across 6 mountain regions is underlain by molecular convergence at the gene level for three loci. In one case this convergence is due to structural variants which occur in a stepwise manner resulting in increased gene expression.

Publisert 11. feb. 2021 13:36 - Sist endret 11. feb. 2021 13:39