Whole genomes retell the origin of species

This seminar will be given by Dr David Marques from NHM Basel. David will be joining us in person. 


Genomes are logbooks of evolutionary history across vast time scales. The availability of whole genome data for non-model organisms offers new insights into the speciation process. I will illustrate this with two examples from my work with East African cichlids. Whole genomes helped us to resolve the age of young adaptive radiations in the Lake Victoria region and to better understand when admixture in facilitates such radiations. I will further introduce the fastest Holarctic bird radiation of large white-headed gulls and our plan to learn from them how new species evolve across the speciation continuum.

About Dr David Marques

Dr David Marques is the vertebrate curator at NHM Basel. He is interested in the genetics of speciation, adaptive radiation and adaptation to environmental change in fish (threespine stickleback  Gasterosteus spp. , East African cichlids  Haplochromini ) and birds (eg large white-headed gulls  Larus  spp.). He combines population genomics with classical morphometrics, ecological studies, and experiments. He aims to unravel how genomic architecture and the origin of genetic variation may constrain or facilitate adaptation and speciation. 

More Information

Please contact Emma Whittington in order to get access to Zoom link

Publisert 10. okt. 2022 11:33 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2023 11:13