New paper by Sigrun Aune et al.: Loss of semi-natural grassland in a boreal landscape

A new paper, titled "Loss of semi-natural grassland in a boreal landscape: impacts of agricultural intensification and abandonment" has just been printed in the Journal of Land Use Science. It was written by Sigrun Aune, Anders Bryn and Knut Anders Hovstad. Read is (open-access) here!

The paper is part of Aunes PhD project, and focuses on the changes in semi-natural land use in her study site in Mostadmarka, Malvik.

Aerial photography interpretation and field-work was used to map the study area using the NiN system. The fine mapping scale makes the results more relevant for management of the area relative to coarser maps.

The results show that from 1960 to 2015, the 49.1% of the area that was semi-natural grassland at in 1960 had been lost by 2015. Two broad trends account for this change: Abandonment and intensification of land use.

Emneord: Abandonment, agricultural intensification, semi-natural grasslands, trajectories, land-cover change, land-cover mapping
Publisert 4. des. 2018 09:16 - Sist endret 26. mars 2024 13:25