New paper: error estimation in field assignment of land-cover types

A new paper on error estimation in field assignment of land-cover types using the NiN system is now available. Based on the master thesis of Eriksen, the paper was authored by Eva L. Eriksen, Heidrun A. Ullerud, Rune Halvorsen, Sigrun Aune, Harald Bratli, Peter Horvath, Inger K. Volden, Anders K. Wollan and Anders Bryn.

From field work on Hvaler. Photo: Eva L. Eriksen

Large differences have been found between different field-workers when they make vegetation maps of the same area. It is difficult to know which map is 'correct' in these cases, but by gathering a group of field biologists and letting them decide on a 'correct' reference mapping unit, this paper presents a method for evaluating just that.

In 2016, 11 field-workers mapped 120 points, marked with plastic sticks. First, they individually and in secret decided on what NiN mapping unit the point belonged to. Then, the group discussed the point and reached a reference mapping unit for the point. The individual and reference mappig units for each point were compared, yielding an estimate of 35 % error in mapping-unit assignment.

The paper is based on the master thesis of Eriksen, and the field effort of the authors plus Johnny Hofsten and Espen S. Værland.

DOI: 10.1127/phyto/2018/0293.

The field team in action, trying to establish the correct NiN mapping unit at this site. Photo: Eva L. Eriksen


Emneord: NiN, Mapping, Map quality, Vegetation ecology, Vegetation mapping
Publisert 13. des. 2018 13:10 - Sist endret 26. mars 2024 13:25